Steve Job Always Wanted an iPhone Without a Physical Sim Car

1 min readMay 13, 2022


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

The original iPhone was released 10 years ago, and it made quite an impact when it came to smartphones.

With its revolutionary touchscreen, the slim design, and the large app store, this phone really took the world by storm.

When it was first introduced, Steve Jobs presented the iPhone as three revolutionary products in one — an iPod, a mobile phone, and an internet communications device (or communicator).

Moreover, Steve Job Always Wanted an iPhone Without a Physical Sim Car

Steve Job Always Wanted an iPhone Without a Physical Sim Car

He was always against the idea of having an iPhone with a physical sim card. Instead, he wished for an eSIM.

To put it in his words: he didn’t want a device with “another hole in it”.

Tony Fadell had to use data to convice Steve Jobs that using CDMA would be better for the iPhone

Tony Fadell, inventor of the iPhone and iPod, notes that to convince Steve Jobs that using CDMA would be better for the iPhone rather than GSM, he had to use market data to show him that the latter has always had a limited user base.




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